Canvas Information

What is Canvas?

Canvas is Frostburg State University's Learning Management System that allows users to access course materials, announcements, assignments, tests, and to collaborate online through discussion boards, blogs, wikis, etc.

Webex is Frostburg State University's virtual classroom and online meeting environment. It provides real-time online lectures, recordings, online office hours, and online group collaboration. If your instructor uses Webex, it is accessible from within your Canvas course.

Together, Canvas and Webex makeup FSU's dynamic environment for online learning.

When will I use Canvas?

Your instructor will let you know if they are using Canvas and Webex for your course.  All online courses require the use of Canvas.

What will I do on Canvas?

Instructors have the liberty to tailor how they use Canvas and Webex for course materials and activities.  Some things you may be able to do in your Canvas course include:

  • View course documents and presentations
  • Submit assignments
  • Take exams or quizzes
  • Check/view grades and progress
  • Participate in discussions
  • Access recordings

How do I access Canvas?

  1. Go to the FSU Canvas web site. (
  2. Log in with your FSU credentials
  3. Your course will appear under the Courses module when the instructor makes the course available to you.

How do I use Canvas?

Please visit Please visit Canvas's Student Guide or Basics Guide for a complete list of instructional material. Canvas also provides Video Guides.

What if I need help with Canvas?

Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from within the Canvas environment, using the Help module. There you can call the Canvas Support Hotline, Chat with Canvas Support, Report a Problem, or Ask the Community. You can also use the Canvas Guides to find answers to common questions.

You can also seek support from our FSU IT Help Desk, or you can troubleshoot common problems listed on our Frequently Asked Canvas Questions page.